June 15, 2018
Neptune, NJ
At the beginning of June, fifty undergraduate Brothers from twenty-five Chapters and one Colony attended the InDeed Institute (formerly known as LSI) at Trail’s End Camp in Beach Lake, PA. Near the conclusion of the Institute, groups of ten members presented new initiatives relating to recruitment or financial management to a panel of Graduate Brothers for feedback.
The five groups presented the following ideas:
- Expansion of the Crow Coach Program to include Ritual education: In addition to the Coach teaching the Chapter on recruitment and financial planning, the Coach would assist and teach members about the Exoteric and Esoteric Ritual.
- A customizable Recruitment-in-a-Box for every Chapter: The box would allow all Chapters to recruit higher quality members and spread the brand of Alpha Chi Rho.
- A National Alpha Chi Rho YouTube channel: This channel would host informational videos providing an insight into best practices for Chapter operations and live-stream events allowing undergraduates and alumni to ask questions to National Council/Staff members.
- An Alpha Chi Rho App aka “Crow App”: This app would allow members to discuss ideas with other Brothers real-time, network with graduate Brothers, and register for National events.
- An Officer Certification Academy: Each Chapter would enlist a number of students to attend an academy which would cover recruitment techniques tailored to your campus, financial management for Chapter dues and fundraising, and better leadership practices.
After the Institute, the National Staff has been contacting every student delegate to fully develop each idea and then, with approval from the National Council, hopefully implement as many of these ideas as possible.
The National Council would like to thank all of the delegates who attended and presented these proposals to the Fraternity.