Our Mission:
Alpha Chi Rho cultivates a lifelong brotherhood where men challenge and inspire each other, through Character, Honor, and Integrity, to improve themselves, their Fraternity, and society.
Alpha Chi Rho Landmarks:
Alpha Chi Rho’s basic principles are found in the Landmarks formed by the founders of the Fraternity over a century ago. They culminate in the noble traditions of Alpha Chi Rho and represent what our founders believed was the ideal brotherhood.
- Membership from among those who are prepared to realize in word and deed, the Brotherhood of all men.
- The insistence on a high and clean moral standard.
- The paramount duty of Brotherly love among members.
- Judgment not by externals, but by intrinsic worth; no one is denied membership in Alpha Chi Rho because of race, creed, nationality, or sexual orientation.
Founded in 1895 at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Alpha Chi Rho has established Chapters all across the United States. Alpha Chi Rho is a charter member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference.
The R.B. Stewart National Headquarters building in Neptune, New Jersey became the official headquarters of the Fraternity in 1983. The building, located at 109 Oxford Way, Neptune, NJ, houses the offices of the national and Educational Foundation staff, the Arthur F. Searing conference room, an archives room, a ritual room, and the consultant and intern quarters. Tours of the facility are welcomed during business hours.
The Fraternity provides many services to its resident Brothers and alumni. Scholarships, loans, and grants are available through the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation. Social events for alumni are run throughout the year around the country.
Through our Landmarks and Principles, the Fraternity aims to provide an experience that “Cultivates Men of Word and Deed”. Character, honor and integrity are attributes that are deeply enhanced by the leadership opportunities, resources and experiences that the organization provides its members. Leadership opportunities are supported by Conclave, Leadership Institute and Convention, strengthening the bonds of Brotherhood and bringing together members from across the country.
Membership Expectation
Alpha Chi Rho requires individuals to have a 2.7 minimum G.P.A. (on a 4 pt scale) to join and Chapters to have a 2.7 minimum G.P.A. annually (or above the campus all-men’s average if below a 2.7). In addition, higher regulation may be set by the individual Chapter or host institution.
Risk Management
All members are expected to comply with the Health and Safety Standards, risk management policies of Alpha Chi Rho, and the host Institution; members must follow local, state and federal laws.
Financial Commitment
There is a one-time $100 new member (Postulant) fee due upon joining and a National Initiation fee of $230 due prior to Initiation. Ongoing membership fees per year include liability insurance and assessments. Local dues are set by the Chapter and are an additional cost.
Hazing Policy
Hazing is not tolerated by Alpha Chi Rho. Instead, a postulant program based on scholarship and personal growth is encouraged.
Membership Benefits
Alpha Chi Rho promotes the process of “Cultivating Men of Word and Deed”. Through character, members service the community and help those in need. Opportunities to get involved are available immediately upon joining.
Scholarship, leadership and community service are essential parts of the Alpha Chi Rho experience. An often overlooked benefit to membership is the social maturity that comes from interaction with other students, faculty and
community members. Honor is learned by positive civic action.
Fraternal life allows each man to make his personal contribution to the Chapter and to assume responsibilities in running the Chapter. From day one, AXP men are encouraged to lead. During the postulant process, members will learn leadership and time management skills. Opportunities for leadership roles are often available to new members.
With more than 1,000 undergraduates and 28,000 alumni around the world, Brothers of Alpha Chi Rho can help create and expand a successful professional career. Members have access to social media groups on Facebook and LinkedIn, helping to open the door to leverage their careers.
Member Accident Protection Program – it complements the health insurance of every undergraduate member for injuries as a result of an accident. For more details, see www.holmesmurphyfraternity.com or www.frmtltd.org.
The Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation was established in 1950 to provide the Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho, its members, Chapters, and other students with the financial and organizational support necessary to attain their educational goals. The Foundation provides a variety of services, including scholarships, loans, grants, leadership programs and educational
Services to the member and the Chapter
- Undergraduate Loans – up to $3,500 for full-time juniors and seniors who meet a 2.8 GPA or higher.
- Graduate loans – up to $3,500 for full or part-time students in an accredited graduate program
- Undergraduate Scholarships – ranging from $500 to $4,000
- Graduate Scholarships – ranging from $1,000 to $3000
- Grants for:
- Honor Society Initiation Fees
- Community Service Programs
- Educational Speakers
- Chapter Libraries
- College Campus Libraries
- Health and Safety
- Scholarship Advisors