The Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation offers student loans and scholarships.

All scholarship amounts are subject to change annually.

The use of Generative AIs to generate content for an Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation scholarship application is not permitted.

Informational Videos from the Programs and Services Committee

If you have any additional questions, please contact the National Office at 732.988.0588.

Starting to Prepare Your Scholarship Application?

Read this helpful advice from National Scholarship Officer and Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation Scholarship Committee member, Michael Chiulli (Phi Zeta Chi, 1987):


April 1st is the deadline for all completed Scholarship applications. Note: In order to receive a scholarship, applicants must be enrolled for the upcoming academic year. Answers to all questions are required. The use of Generative AIs to generate contact for an Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation scholarship application is not permitted.


Competitive grants of $4,000, $3,000, and $2,000 are granted to full-time resident/undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors with a cumulative GPA of a 2.9.


Brother Addams graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1929. For more than four decades, he was active in the Brotherhood serving as National President and Executive Director of the Fraternity and then as Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for 14 years.  In 1980, he received the Fraternity Executives Association Distinguished Service award for his contributions in connecting college administrators and fraternal organizations.  In 1988, he received the North American Interfraternity Conference Gold Meal, the highest honor in the Greek world.

The Paul K. Addams Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded for Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College and a significant commitment to Community Service.



Brother Olson graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1954 and went on to Rutgers University as a graduate student where he joined the Beta Phi Chapter.  He returned to WPI as an Assistant Professor in 1962 and served on that faculty for 21 years.  He was one of Alpha Chi Rho’s most popular Scholarship Advisors.

The scholarship recognizes a member for his Academic Achievement in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics or Engineering.



Brother McFadden is a graduate of Columbia University Class of 1919 and had a successful railroad freight routing business.  His contribution for the scholarship awards an undergraduate for his strong Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College and significant contributions to Community Service.



Brother Enk graduated from Rutgers University in 1913 and received his Master’s degree from Columbia University.  He was an administrator in the New Brunswick, New Jersey Schools for over 40 years.

The Enk scholarship is granted to an undergraduate with documented Academic Achievement, Leadership in his Chapter and College and a commitment to Community Service.



Don Jones served the Fraternity and Foundation in numerous capacities including Chairman of the Educational Foundation, President of the Fraternity and Chair of the National Finance Committee during the time that the National Headquarters was purchased.  After Don’s untimely passing in 2004, his wife, Nancy, and son, Matt, created two scholarships in Don’s name to continue his legacy.

The Donald F. Jones Undergraduate Scholarship is also based on exemplary Leadership in the Chapter and commitment to the local Community.


Brother Dangler, a 1943 graduate of Rutgers University and member of the Beta Phi Chapter, served as the National Treasurer of Alpha Chi Rho in 1972, National Secretary of Alpha Chi Rho from 1973 to 1986, and as Executive Director Emeritus of the Foundation.

This scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time enrolled undergraduate Brother based on financial need, strong academic achievement and commitment to the Fraternity’s founding principles of character, honor and integrity.

Application for Undergraduate Scholarships
Answers to all questions are required.
**All grant and scholarship amounts are subject to change on an annual basis**

Applicants must be full-time students in junior or senior year. Need a consideration only in case of a tie. Winners (if juniors) may reapply on a competitive basis for senior year. By completing this scholarship form, you will be considered for all of awards where the selection committee believes you best fit the criteria:
Paul K. Addams Award - $4,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, Community Service
James McFadden Award - $2,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, Community Service
John C. Enk Award - $2,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, Community Service
Richard V. Olsen Award - $3,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Major in Physical Sciences, Mathematics, or Engineering
Donald F. Jones Award - $2,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, Community Service, Need-based
Are you interested in a loan?

Your Full Name

Home Address


AXP Chapter
Please note in order to be considered for a scholarship, your National Initiation Fee must be paid.

Other Address (Optional)

Which is your mailing address?

Date of birth
Citizen of

Colleges/Universities Attended

Plans after Graduation:

List officer positions you have held in the Chapter – Recruitment Chair, Treasurer, Philanthropy Chair, etc.

Please list activities which you have participated in at your Institution– student government, clubs, etc.

Please list the sport(s) in which you have participated

Please list community activities in which you have participated without pay during college.

List jobs you have held in the past four years.

Other Pertinent Information (Honors, Awards, etc.)

Financial Information

ASSETS: Bank Accounts, Car, Computer, etc.

LIABILITIES: Prior Loans, Credit Card Balances, etc.

ANTICIPATED INCOME: Scholarships, Loans, Jobs, Family, etc.

EXPENSES: Tuition, Room, Board, Fees, Books, Supplies, Equipment, Transportation, Commuting Costs, etc.

If your Expenses are greater than your Income, please explain how you expect to make up the difference.

Additional questions about loans are below. If you are not interested, please proceed to the end of the form and submit your application.

Are you related to any trustee or officer of the Foundation?

Amount of any previous loan from the Foundation
Date of any previous loan from the Foundation

Date loan is needed
Amount requested
Parent Name
Parent Address

Please attach the following documents:
College transcript of the last semester:
Reference letter from a faculty member, administrator, chapter advisor, or employer:
ESSAY: In 500 words or less, tell us about yourself - What are your academic and career goals? Why do you deserve this scholarship? How will this scholarship help you? In addition to your personal background, tell the Scholarship Committee why you joined Alpha Chi Rho, how being a Brother of Alpha Chi Rho changed you, how you impacted the Fraternity (an individual Brother, your Chapter, or the Brotherhood at large) and how you plan on being involved with your Chapter and Brotherhood at large.


UPENN (Phi Phi) Brothers only. Competitive scholarships are granted to full-time students of the University of Pennsylvania.



New York Institute of Technology (Eta Chi Phi) Brothers only. Competitive scholarships are granted to full-time students of the New York Institute of Technology.

Due to the generosity of Rochelle (Shelley) Emmer, mother of the late Colin Rochester (Eta Chi Phi), NYIT ’08 and donations from friends, family and Graduate Brothers, the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation is able to award the Colin Rochester Memorial Scholarship for $1000 to an Eta Chi Phi undergraduate Brother.
This scholarship is open to NYIT undergraduate Brothers only. The Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation Scholarship Committee and Chapter alumni will select one (1) recipient based on financial needservice to the Fraternity and Brotherly love.  The minimum GPA requirement is 2.7, which is the National standard for a member in good standing.
Your Full Name

Home Address

Please attach the following documents:
College transcript for the academic year:
Cover letter:


This is a $1,500 Scholarship. Each chapter is permitted only one nomination. It is due to National Headquarters by April 1st of each year.

This is a $1,500 scholarship. Each chapter is permitted only one nomination. The application cannot be submitted by the nominee, it must be submitted by another Brother in the Chapter (i.e. John Smith fills out the application for John Doe). It is due to National Headquarters by April 1st of each year. You are not required to use this format. You may submit an application using the questions below as guidelines. We encourage you to take your time, write well and include as much information as possible. If for some reason you cannot submit the form online or upload a file, you can send the application to AXPEF – R.B. Stewart Award, 109 Oxford Way, Neptune, NJ 07753.

1. As a scholar, he has accomplished the following?

2. His contributions to our college have included?

3. His service to our community has consisted of?

4. His contributions to our Fraternity are?

5. He has exemplified Brotherhood by?

Remember, this Brother should be in good standing with both his Chapter and the National Fraternity.

AXP Chapter
Candidate's Full Name
Candidate's Graduation Date
Your Full Name
This candidate deserves strong consideration for this award because:
1. As a scholar, he has accomplished the following:
2. His contributions to our college have included:
3. His service to our community has consisted of:
4. His contributions to our Fraternity are:
5. He has exemplified Brotherhood by:
Additional Documents:


One competitive grant of $500 is given to a newly initiated Brother who has achieved the highest academic average for the year. It is due to the National Headquarters by April 1st of each year.

The Coughlan Scholarship is a grant of $500 presented to a new Brother (a man who has been initiated this year) with the highest GPA. This is a competitive award among Chapters. Brothers who joined Alpha Chi Rho prior to this school year are not eligible for this award. Applications may be submitted without transcripts. Transcript can be sent under separate cover and is mandatory. We encourage you to take your time, write well, and include as much information as possible.
Your Full Name

Home Address

Please attach the following documents:
College transcript for the academic year:
Cover letter:


Scholarships of $3,000 are granted to full-time students attending graduate school.


Wilbur M. “Curly” Walden devoted 55 years to the Fraternity, 30 years as the National Secretary (now known as the CEO), and 20 years as Foundation Manager.  Funds for this scholarship were given personally by Curly and others in his name.

This scholarship is need-based and the recipient must have high Academic Achievement.



F. Prescott Hammond, a member of a New York Law Firm, a graduate of Columbia University in 1922 and Columbia Law School, left his entire residuary estate to the Foundation, having served as Chairman during its early years.  His bequest enabled the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation to become one of the largest Fraternity Foundations at that time.

The criteria for this scholarship includes high Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, and significant Community Service.



Stanley G. Bedford graduated from Columbia University in 1941, served in the US Navy in World War II and graduated from Columbia Law School in 1948.  Until his death in 1999, he was active in the Brotherhood serving as Editor of the Garnet & White, President of the Fraternity, and President and Chairman of the Board of the Foundation.  He practiced law until he went on the bench in 1971 where he remained Judge of the New Jersey Superior Court until his retirement in 1986.  This scholarship was established by his wife, Ruth, in his memory.  Mrs. Ruth Bedford is a young 99 years old and still assists as the Foundation’s Student Loan Manager.

This scholarship is awarded to a graduate Brother for his strong Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College and commitment to Community Service.



Don Jones served the Fraternity and Foundation in numerous capacities including Chairman of the Educational Foundation, President of the Fraternity and Chair of the National Finance Committee during the time that the National Headquarters was purchased.  After Don’s untimely passing in 2004, his wife, Nancy, and son, Matt, created two scholarships in Don’s name to continue his legacy.

The Donald F. Jones Graduate Scholarship is given to a Brother in good standing who is pursuing graduate studies in Pharma Science or Engineering and is based on past Leadership in his Chapter and local Community. Special consideration is also given to a Purdue student for this scholarship.

Application for Graduate Scholarships
Answers to all questions are required.
**All grant and scholarship amounts are subject to change on an annual basis**

Applicants must be accepted and enrolled in an accredited full-time graduate program. Winners may reapply for scholarships after the first year on a competitive basis.

By completing this scholarship form, you will be considered for all of awards where the selection committee believes you best fit the criteria:
Wilbur M. “Curly” Walden Award - $3,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Need-based
Stanley G. Bedford Award - $3,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, Community Service
F. Prescott Hammond Award - $3,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Leadership in Chapter and College, Community Service
Donald F. Jones Award - $3,000.00 - Academic Achievement, Pursuing a degree in Pharma Science or Engineering, Leadership in Chapter and College, Special consideration will be given to a Purdue student (if all other criteria is met)

Are you interested in a loan?

Your Full Name

Home Address


AXP Chapter
Please note that in order to be considered for a scholarship, your National Initiation Fee must be paid.

Other Address (Optional)

Which is your mailing address?

Date of birth
Citizen of

Colleges/Universities Attended

Plans after Graduation:

List activities which you have participated in college – student government, clubs, etc.

List the sport(s) in which you have participated

List community activities in which you have participated without pay

List jobs you have held in the past four years

Other Pertinent Information (Honors, Awards, etc.)

Financial Information

ASSETS: Bank Accounts, Car, Computer, etc.

LIABILITIES: Prior Loans, Credit Card Balances, etc.

ANTICIPATED INCOME: Scholarships, Loans, Jobs, Family, etc.

EXPENSES: Tuition, Room, Board, Fees, Books, Supplies, Equipment, Transportation, Commuting Costs, etc.

If your Expenses are greater than your Income, please explain how you expect to make up the difference.

Additional questions about loans are below. If you are not interested, please proceed to the end of the form and submit your application.

Are you related to any trustee or officer of the Foundation?

Amount of any previous loan from the Foundation
Date of any previous loan from the Foundation

Date loan is needed
Amount requested
Parent Name
Parent Address

Please attach the following documents:
College transcript of the last semester:
Reference letter from a faculty member, administrator, chapter advisor, or employer:
ESSAY: In 500 words or less, tell us about yourself - What are your academic and career goals? Why do you deserve this scholarship? How will this scholarship help you? In addition to your personal background, tell the Scholarship Committee why you joined Alpha Chi Rho, how being a Brother of Alpha Chi Rho changed you, how you impacted the Fraternity (an individual Brother, your Chapter, or the Brotherhood at large) and how you plan on being involved with your Chapter and Brotherhood at large.



Undergraduate students who have completed two academic years of a 4+ year program with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent where a different grading system is used, may borrow up to $7,000. Loan applications will not be considered during the final term (semester, quarter, etc.) of a student’s academic program with the exception of accepted graduate students in the final term of their undergraduate program.

When funds permit, the committee may consider exceptions to the 3.0 GPA requirement if:

  • The applicant demonstrates an extraordinary or emergent need for financial assistance
  • The applicant has demonstrated steady academic improvement and has achieved a 3.0 GPA or better in each of his last two semesters
Your Full Name

Parents' Names

Home Address

Your address at college

Other Address (Optional)

Address you wish loan check sent

Date of birth
Citizen of

Are you related to any trustee or officer of the Foundation?

Are you a member of the fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho?

Graduation Year
AXP Chapter

Amount of any previous loan from the Foundation
Date of any previous loan from the Foundation

Colleges/Universities Attended

Plans after Graduation:

List the name, residence telephone number, office telephone, and email address of a person at school who knows you - faculty member, administrator, Chapter Advisor, employer:

List activities in which you have participated – student government, clubs, fraternities, publications, etc.

List the sport(s) in which you have participated

List community activities in which you have participated without pay

List jobs you have held in the past four years

Other Pertinent Information (Honors, Awards, etc.)

Financial Information
Budget from

Date loan is needed
Amount requested

ASSETS: Bank Accounts, Car, Computer, etc.

LIABILITIES: Prior Loans, Credit Card Balances, etc.

ANTICIPATED INCOME: Scholarships, Loans, Jobs, Family, etc.

EXPENSES: Tuition, Room, Board, Fees, Books, Supplies, Equipment, Transportation, Commuting Costs, etc.

If your Expenses are greater than your Income, please explain how you expect to make up the difference.

Additional Comments:

Please attach the following documents:
College transcript of the last semester:


Full-time and part-time students enrolled in a graduate program with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent when a different grading system is used, may borrow up to $7,000. Graduate students are eligible to apply for a loan once they have been accepted into their graduate program and no sooner than the final term (semester, quarter. etc.) of their undergraduate program. Undergraduate GPA will be used for graduate students who have not yet completed their first term.

Undergraduate and graduate loans are considered independently with respect to the $7,000 funding limit; a graduate student who received $7,000 in undergraduate loans may also apply for up to $7,000 in graduate loans.

Your Full Name

Parents' Names

Home Address

Your address at college

Other Address (Optional)

Address you wish loan check sent

Date of birth
Citizen of

Are you related to any trustee or officer of the Foundation?

Are you a member of the fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho?

AXP Chapter
Expected Graduation Year

Amount of any previous loan from the Foundation
Date of any previous loan from the Foundation

Colleges/Universities Attended

Plans after Graduation:

List the name, residence telephone number and office telephone of a person at school who knows you - faculty member, administrator, Chapter Advisor, employer:

List activities in which you have participated – student government, clubs, fraternities, publications, etc.

List the sport(s) in which you have participated

List community activities in which you have participated without pay

List jobs you have held in the past four years

Other Pertinent Information (Honors, Awards, etc.)

Financial Information
Budget from

Date loan is needed
Amount requested

ASSETS: Bank Accounts, Car, Computer, etc.

LIABILITIES: Prior Loans, Credit Card Balances, etc.

ANTICIPATED INCOME: Scholarships, Loans, Jobs, Family, etc.

EXPENSES: Tuition, Room, Board, Fees, Books, Supplies, Equipment, Transportation, Commuting Costs, etc.

If your Expenses are greater than your Income, please explain how you expect to make up the difference.

Additional Comments:

Please attach the following documents:
College transcript of the last semester: