Resident Brothers,
As we enter this first academic weekend, we are seeing news reports of collegians that are ignoring all of the social distancing rules established by their states and campuses.
As National president of Alpha Chi Rho, I am imploring you to observe all the social distancing guidelines and rules established by your Institution, municipal government and state government. Wear a mask, at all times, especially when outside and you can’t control how you will come in contact with others. Wash your hands – frequently. All the other rules we have been living with these past five months.
DO NOT allow anyone other than your own Brothers into your house. I don’t know what rules the Institution has for dormitory inhabitants, but I ask you to follow them to the letter. My concern – and I speak for our staff and our National Council – is your safety and your well-being. Please do not think that you are immune to COVID -19 or that you can get away with a large gathering “just this once”. News reports are saying that local law enforcement is becoming more vigilant in dealing with those who flaunt the rules. DO NOT become the lead story on your local news. I want you to be healthy and remain healthy. Be safe and be sensible in how you gather as a Brotherhood.
As your President, I do not want to sound like an overprotective dad. But I am. Each of you is a valuable part of our Fraternity and each of you is treasured for the gifts you bring to your Chapter and to our National Fraternity. Together, we can show our fellow students and the greater Institution – if not our country – what it is to “Be Men” in the midst of a pandemic.
In the Bond,
Dr. David Jost, AXP National President
Eta Phi ’75