Alpha Chi Rho National Fraternity is happy to announce the election of the 2020 – 2021 Resident Councillors: Colton Lonberger (Alpha Phi Theta, Miami University) and Tyler White (Lambda Chi Phi, Drexel University). Brothers Brett Berrodin (Theta Chi Phi, Montclair State University) and Paul Mogianesi (Eta Phi, Gettysburg College) will serve as the 1st and 2nd alternate Resident Councillors respectively.
The Resident Councillors are responsible for representing the concerns and needs of the resident Brothers in the Fraternity. They will work with the National staff to plan and execute programs to answers the needs of the resident Brothers and Chapters.
Colton, Tyler, Brett, and Paul will serve a term of one year until the 106th National Convention in 2021.
Below are short biographies for the new Resident Councillors. To contact them, please visit
Colton Lonberger
Colton Lonberger (Alpha Phi Theta, Miami University)
Colton just finished his sophomore year at Miami University, where he is not only a Brother of the Alpha Phi Theta Chapter but also the current Chapter President. He was Initiated into the Alpha Postulant Class on March 1, 2019. In his first month as a Brother he was elected Chapter Correspondent and placed on the social and financial committees.
He is an Accounting major with a minor in Sport Leadership and Management. He will soon be applying for Miami’s MAcc program which will allow him to complete both his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees and fulfill requirements for CPA certification in four years as an undergraduate. Following graduation, it is his desire to enter the public accounting ring as an auditor with a top firm. After gaining experience and continuing his education in Sports Administration, he would like to make the career change to the front office of a major league sports team. His other campus involvements include Beta Alpha Psi professional fraternity for which he is the VP of Finance, as well as general memberships in the Accounting Association, SLAM (Sport Leadership and Management) Club, and the Ohio Society of CPAs.
Being a Brother of a new Chapter of Alpha Chi Rho has been the single most rewarding experience in his life. The personal and professional development he has gleaned from his membership is unmatched by any other organization he could have chosen to be a part of, Greek affiliated or otherwise. It is his hope as a Resident Councillor to give back to an organization that has afforded him a wealth of opportunities, friendships, and memories.
Tyler White
Tyler White (Lambda Chi Phi, Drexel University)
Tyler started college as a timid, nervous kid who really was not sure of what to expect from his collegiate experience. Then he met the Brothers of Alpha Chi Rho. They taught him how to be confident, precise, and consistent with his actions in education and extracurricular activities. He listened to their advice and started serving on the Chapter’s exec board as soon as he could. He then went on to hold the positions of Vice President of Programming, Secretary, Events Chair, Public Relations, Athletics Chair, IFC Delegate and then finally President. He worked very closely with both other Chapters and the National Council throughout his tenure. He was able to work with the National Council to negotiate a housing contract with Drexel during a strenuous time for his Chapter. Last spring, he worked with local Chapters in the Philadelphia area to bring back Crow Bowl, which was a lot of fun to plan and run. He hopes to continue serving the Fraternity as a Resident Councillor by bringing about great ideas and connecting more Chapters to each other to further extend the Brotherhood on a national level.
Brett Berrodin
Brett Berrodin (Theta Chi Phi, Montclair State University) – 1st Alternate
Brett Berrodin is an incoming junior at Montclair State University. His major is Business Administration with a concentration in Business Analytics, and soon to be with a minor in Entrepreneurship. He lives about twenty minutes from Philadelphia in Moorestown, New Jersey, where he’s lived his whole life. He lives with his parents and two younger brothers. In his spare time, he enjoys working out, cooking (mostly Italian food), or watching sports. He played football, basketball, and volleyball throughout high school. Brett is a really laid-back guy who tries to put a positive spin on any situation, and he is currently MSU’s IFC President. He watches just about anything, and listens to all sorts of music. He looks forward to working as the voice of all resident members!
Paul Mogianesi
Paul Mogianesi (Eta Phi, Gettysburg College ) – 2nd Alternate
Paul is from Macungie, Pennsylvania, which is located outside of Allentown. He is a rising senior majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Philosophy at Gettysburg College. He joined the Eta Phi Chapter of the Fraternity during the spring of 2019 and during the following semester he was elected as the Philanthropy Chairman and Mental Health Chairman. He is the current Vice President of the Chapter. Besides his academic work and Fraternity responsibilities, he is the Vice President of Gettysburg’s fencing team, a member of the Honor Commission, a supervisor of the Kline Theatre’s Woodshop and a mathematics teaching assistant. His time as a Brother has and will continue to encourage himself to be more engaged in the Fraternity in new and challenging ways.
Alpha Chi Rho cultivates a lifelong brotherhood where men challenge and inspire each other, through Character, Honor, and Integrity to improve themselves, their Fraternity, and society.