January 31, 2023
I am writing to update you on the Fraternity’s operations and to seek your financial support through Graduate Dues. If you have paid your Graduate Dues for this fiscal year, I thank you for making a contribution to better our Fraternity. To view a list of all donors, please click here.
Our resident members are on campus with the same responsibilities as before the COVID-19 pandemic. Alpha Chi Rho has provided many leadership development and educational events in the fall 2022 semester for recruitment chairmen, treasurers and outgoing / incoming officers.
In January 2023, the Fraternity hosted more than one-hundred-twenty officers at the Winter Conclave in Gettysburg, PA. The Conclave learning outcomes included how to effectively organize committees and Brothers in the Chapter, how to utilize the free resources from the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation, and how to address life-threatening emergencies with first aid, CPR, and AED. Overall feedback from the Winter Conclave was very positive and Brothers noted the recruitment first aid training was of vital importance. To read an overall recap of the Winter Conclave, please click here.
Throughout the fall 2022 semester, Alpha Chi Rho men supported many philanthropic organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, the National Fraternity’s philanthropic partner, and the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. Overall, Alpha Chi Rho resident Brothers conducted eight-hundred community service hours and raised $13,657.00 for multiple philanthropic organizations. To read more about the resident Brothers’ service, click here.
Chapter support through bi-weekly calls between the National staff and Chapter officers continue to pay dividends. National staff has returned to in-person Chapter visitation and, when requested, on demand training is provided on a variety of topics. Chapters feel a closer connection to the National office. Expansion efforts at Phi Kappa (University of Illinois), Phi Lambda (Penn. State University), and Omicron Phi (Utica University) continue, with Phi Lambda scheduled to be reinstituted in April 2023.
Your support through Graduate Dues helps provide resident members specific training to make Alpha Chi Rho succeed on their campuses. To help the Fraternity continue to provide all these resources to members at no cost, we need your help. Your annual Graduate Dues (not tax deductible) will directly benefit the Chapters and officers with customized and specific support. Please support your Fraternity today. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.
In the Bond of Brotherhood,
Nicolás R. Hewgley
Director of Communication and Development
P.S. Thank you again for your donation and continued support. If you have any questions about your Chapter, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at nrhewgley@alphachirho.org.
P.P.S. SAVE THE DATE: The 107th National Convention will be held August 4 – 6, 2023 in Pittsburgh, PA. Registration will open in March.