During the 2024 InDeed Institute, the Fraternity held the National Award ceremony to recognize the accomplishments of individuals and Chapters. This past academic year, Alpha Chi Rho resident members have boasted a cumulative GPA over a 3.0, conducted over 1100 community service hours, raised over $50,000 through philanthropy events for organizations such as the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, Gift of Life, and the JED Foundation, and worked hard to continue our mission to improve ourselves, our Fraternity, and society.
Phi Gamma Chi
Community Service Award – Given in recognition of the Chapter demonstrating outstanding service to the community
The winner of the 2024 Community Service Award is the Phi Gamma Chi Chapter located at The College of New Jersey. This Chapter improved their community service programming from the previous year. After their nomination last year at Convention, the Brothers decided this year they wanted to take it a step further. For the first time in recent history, this Chapter hosted a weeklong philanthropy event in the spring semester for Habitat for Humanity. The Chapter held multiple collaborative events such as bake sales, pretzel sales, and ice pop sales with other Greek organizations. The Chapter also held their annual Habitat for Humanity Camp Out, “Alpha Chi Rhoses”, and “Rockathon”. Through their fundraising efforts, they were able to raise over $2,500 for the multiple philanthropic organizations. All members of the Chapter completed at least fifteen hours of service each semester, ranking them in the top ten Chapters for most service hours this past year. This Chapter went above and beyond with their outstanding service to their community and to philanthropic organizations.
Phi Sigma Tau
Weston L. Dangler Award – Given in recognition of the Chapter with the best communication with the National Office
The Phi Sigma Tau Chapter at Kutztown University received this year’s award. Throughout the academic year, the Chapter had regular contact with the National Office and staff regarding finances, Chapter operations, grants, programming and any questions they had to improve their Chapter. The Chapter was proactive and utilized the National Office as a resource. They also were consistent and accurate in their reporting to the National Office. The Chapter is responsive, easy to work with, and submitted all paperwork on time.
Zeta Phi
Henson Watchorn Award – Given in recognition of the most improved Chapter with a house
The 2024 winner of the W. Henson Watchorn award is the Zeta Phi Chapter at Clarkson University. This year the Zeta Phi Chapter made a huge leap from last year on their University accreditation program. The Chapter became more connected to their campus and community through philanthropic and service events including highway and graveyard cleanups. They frequently communicated with their Institution and Graduate Chapter which prompted the Greek Advisor to recommend them for an award this year. The Chapter built upon its financial management to pay off all balances it owed. Finally, the Chapter improved their relationship with the National Office by reporting timely and frequently communicating with the staff.
Theta Chi Phi
Thomas F. Flanagan Memorial Award – Given in recognition of the Chapter demonstrating the true image of the Fraternity
This year’s winner is the Theta Chi Phi Chapter at Montclair State University. Through the Chapter’s community service, philanthropy, recruitment, relationships with other organizations on campus, and connection with their advisors, they truly exemplify what it means to be men of word and deed. The Brothers held each other accountable throughout the year to ensure that their reputation and work ethic remained consistent. When the Chapter was in stressful situations, the leadership and members worked together to solve everything while boosting morale. These gentlemen had ambitious goals that were met through their hard work.
Stanley G. Bedford Award – Given in recognition of the Chapter with the most effective executive leadership
The 2024 winner of the Stanley G. Bedford award is the Alpha Phi Chapter at Purdue University. This Chapter has a great leadership infrastructure. The Chapter communicates often with the National staff, advisors, and University staff. In turn, this allows them to have very efficient programming. The executive leadership operates as a cohesive team, and as a byproduct each member of the Chapter understands the work needed to accomplish their common goals. These men are natural leaders, close-knit, and embody our Fraternity’s mission. Despite the challenges and obstacles the Chapter faces in a given year, they always manage to adapt and succeed.
Phi Beta Chi
R. B. Stewart Award – Given in recognition of the hard work to improve as a Chapter without a House
The Phi Beta Chi Chapter at Radford University is the 2024 winner of the R. B. Stewart Award. Throughout the past year this Chapter underwent a difficult transition between officers. The new executive board struggled with communication, marketing, and programming. After working with the University and National staff, the Chapter has done a complete 180. The Chapter participated in weekly programming opportunities, increased their social media presence to highlight their values and efforts, grew their membership, and paid their finances in full for the academic year.
Delta Sigma Phi
Dennis Grim Award – Given in recognition of genuine commitment and excellence in performance of the Ritual
The winner of the 2024 Dennis Grim award is the Delta Sigma Phi Chapter at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Delta Sigma Phi’s membership is knowledgeable of the Ritual from their weekly Chapter meetings. After their new members are Initiated, they take the time to teach those new members the correct process of holding a meeting under Ritual and learning more about the esoteric aspects of our Order. Finally, many Brothers are always interested in improving their practices and understanding of the Ritual.
Delta Phi
Wilbur M. “Curly” Walden Cup – Given in recognition of their hard work to become the best all around Chapter in the Fraternity
Congratulations to the Delta Phi Chapter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for receiving this year’s Curly Cup! The Chapter had a very successful year! The Chapter sought to improve itself and not rest on the hard work from previous leadership. The Brothers did this by increasing their usual recruitment efforts, marketing / social media engagement, and community service/philanthropy programming. The Brothers instill a strong ownership of their facility, teach members the value of financial management, and reinforce the importance of the Ritual. The leadership also worked closely with their Graduate Chapter to help host a 75th anniversary banquet which had over 100 Brothers return from multiple decades. The Chapter has always been timely in their reporting and is easy to work with throughout the year.