November 19, 2020
Neptune, New Jersey
In June, the National Council of Alpha Chi Rho received a request co-signed by more than 150 Brothers requesting a change to our Fraternity’s Constitution which would change the Fourth Landmark. A Task Force was commissioned to review the request and provide recommendations. The Task Force has completed its work and forwarded a recommendation to the Council and the entire Fraternity.
The report recommends that the Fourth Landmark of Alpha Chi Rho be amended to read:
“Judgment not by externals, but by intrinsic worth; no one is denied membership in Alpha Chi Rho because of race, creed, nationality, or sexual orientation.”
The National Council has accepted the report and will immediately begin the amendment process. The report is available for Brothers to read upon request. Please contact the National Office to receive it.
The resolution will be distributed to all resident and graduate Chapters in advance of the National Convention. The Chapters will discuss and ratify the resolution by majority vote in each Chapter. To be on the Convention agenda, ¾ of all Chapters must have ratifying votes in approval. The National Convention will then ratify the resolution by a ¾ vote.
The National Council and Task Force recognize that the ability for the Chapters to meet in person during COVID to conduct the necessary Ritual ratification may cause logistical issues. National President Jost has issued a dispensation from the use of the Ritual for purposes of the ratification vote. If a Chapter is unable to meet under Ritual to ratify the vote, please contact the National Office for use of the dispensation.
The National Council thanks the Task Force for their service and discussion and to the Fraternity-at-large for its patience as the Task Force responded to this request.
Alpha Chi Rho cultivates a lifelong brotherhood where men challenge and inspire each other, through Character, Honor, and Integrity to improve themselves, their Fraternity, and society.
College / University | Chapter Name | Vote Received |
Trinity College | Phi Psi | No |
University of Pennsylvania | Phi Phi | Yes |
Syracuse University | Phi Epsilon | Yes |
Purdue University | Alpha Phi | Yes |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Delta Phi | Yes |
Clarkson University | Zeta Phi | Yes |
Gettysburg College | Eta Phi | Yes |
Robert Morris University | Pi Phi | Yes |
LaSalle University | Omega Phi | Yes |
Radford University | Phi Beta Chi | Yes |
The College of New Jersey | Phi Gamma Chi | Yes |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | Delta Sigma Phi | Yes |
SUNY / Geneseo | Phi Zeta Chi | No |
Richard Stockton College of NJ | Phi Eta Chi | Yes |
Lock Haven University | Phi Mu Chi | Yes |
West Chester University | Phi Nu Chi | Yes |
University of Massachusetts | Phi Rho Chi | Yes |
Kutztown University | Phi Sigma Tau | Yes |
New York Institute of Technology | Eta Chi Phi | Yes |
Montclair State University | Theta Chi Phi | Yes |
Rowan College of New Jersey | Iota Chi Phi | Yes |
Drexel University | Lambda Chi Phi | Yes |
SUNY / Albany | Mu Chi Phi | No |
Philadelphia University | Alpha Phi Alpha | Yes |
University of Cincinnati | Alpha Phi Beta | Yes |
Pace University | Alpha Phi Gamma | Yes |
Seton Hall University | Alpha Phi Zeta | Yes |
Rutgers University – Camden | Alpha Phi Eta | Yes |
Miami University of Ohio | Alpha Phi Theta | Yes |