August 6, 2021
Jason “Jay” Anhorn has resigned as Director of Development and Chief Operating Officer of the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation, effective August 13, 2021. Brother Anhorn will become the Chief Advancement Officer of the Council for Relationships, in Philadelphia, PA, a non-profit agency providing “exemplary therapy, educating and training clinicians in the family systems approach, and advancing the behavioral health field through research.” He served as the Foundation’s Director of Development for five years.
Even before joining the Foundation, Jay made a major contribution to education as the National Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho’s National Scholarship Officer, when he helped to reinvent a Fraternity education program as the “InDeed Institute”, giving it a new focus and major emphasis on leadership. As Director of Development, Jay has led the Foundation’s efforts to build connections with undergraduate and graduate Brothers with such programs as the very successful “Alpha Chi Rhoad Show”, a series of live, virtual meetings with graduate Brothers in different walks of life. He also created the “Garnet Knight Challenge”, an initiative to benefit Habitat for Humanity, Feeding America, and the leadership programs for the men of Alpha Chi Rho. His development of procedures and protocols for the Foundation has enhanced its efficiency and effectiveness.
Byron Connell, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, said “Jay has strengthened and improved our Educational Foundation and its connection with the Brotherhood in countless ways. Replacing him will be a challenge.” Gary DelPiano, President of the Foundation, said “Jay has been a change maker for the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation. His efforts and results far surpassed expectations and he will be missed by the Brotherhood.”
The Foundation has begun efforts to identify Brother Anhorn’s successor. The person should have a Development background as well as the ability to be a self-starter. Please email your interest to Gary DelPiano, President, Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation,