Penn Chapter Host Blood Drive

Fraternity helps raise $4,740 for National MPS Society
October 17, 2013
Deep Freeze for the American Cancer Society hosted by AXP of Utica College
February 25, 2014

Secretary, Sean Reidy, and our Chaplain, Emanuel Hermosillo, wrote a piece about our Red Cross Blood Drive in October.

On Monday October 7,2013 chaplain Emanuel Hermosillo and the brothers of Phi Phi conducted a blood drive set up by the Red Cross. The drive was held throughout the first floor of the chapter hall. Brothers worked from10 am to 8 pm setting up, assisting Red Cross workers, cleaning up, and advertising the event. Over 20 brothers and even alumnus Stephon Martin participated by either volunteering or donating. Despite inclement weather, over 20 donors overall attempted to give, resulting in 14 pints, exceeding our goal. This is the second blood drive the brothers have hosted, and it is expected to continue to be an annual event.

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