Boca Raton, FL, January 25 – Teaming up to help save the lives of blood cancer patients, Gift of Life Marrow Registry and Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity are proud to announce a new philanthropy partnership. The Fraternity will support Gift of Life’s mission by hosting donor registry drives virtually and, when possible, through social-distancing-guide-lined events.
During this time of national crisis, the need to find transplant donors for blood cancer patients is more urgent than ever and while the pandemic has made Gift of Life’s recruitment efforts more difficult, the organization has continued to find creative ways to meet the challenges. The partnership with Alpha Chi Rho, a national men’s collegiate fraternity, will give participants a way to give back and learn valuable new skills.
“Alpha Chi Rho is excited to partner with Gift of Life Marrow Registry in order to promote our shared values and continue our mission of cultivating a lifelong brotherhood where men improve themselves, their fraternity and society,” said Director of Communication and Development for Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity, Nicolás R. Hewgley.
“Young donors are preferred by transplant centers for their patients because they are healthier and naturally produce greater numbers of the needed stem cells, said Gift of Life’s Director of Organizational Advancement Marti Freund. “The potential for Alpha Chi Rho to recruit in this donor demographic is huge, and donors do not have to be Alpha Chi Rho brothers to join the registry at fraternity-sponsored events.
Gift of Life’s recruitment efforts include programs and partnership with a myriad of fraternities and other student organizations at college campuses around the country. Additionally, anyone between 18 and 35 years old may join the registry by simply requesting a cheek swab registration kit to be delivered to their home by visiting
About Gift of Life Marrow Registry
The Gift of Life Marrow Registry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Boca Raton, FL. The organization, established in 1991, is dedicated to saving lives by facilitating bone marrow and blood stem cell transplants for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood-related diseases. To learn more about Gift of Life or to make a tax-deductible donation, visit
About Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity
Founded in 1895 at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Alpha Chi Rho has established Chapters all across the United States. Alpha Chi Rho is a charter member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. Alpha Chi Rho cultivates a lifelong brotherhood where men challenge and inspire each other, through Character, Honor, and Integrity to improve themselves, their Fraternity, and society.