Winter Conclave 2025
January 16, 2025 @ 8:00 am - January 19, 2025 @ 5:00 pm
Hotel Information
The Wyndham Gettysburg is located at 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA 17325. The Google Maps details are below.
Registration will open this month and will close December 20, 2024.
Community Service Event
In association with the 2024 Winter Conclave, the Fraternity will be organizing a food drive for the Gettysburg SSCAP Food Pantry. Each Brother attending Conclave is highly encouraged to bring 2 or 3 pounds of non-perishable donations in support of the SSCAP Food Pantry. The items of highest need by the pantry are rice, Hamburger Helper, peanut butter, jelly, dried pasta, canned vegetables and other non-perishables.
Graduate Brother Event
After the 2025 Winter Conclave concludes, Graduate Brothers are invited to join Brothers from different Chapters over food and drink! The event will be held on January 18, 2024. To RSVP, please contact the National Office via email ( or phone (732-869-1895).
Schedule At A Glance
A tentative schedule is below.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
6:00 PM | Virtual Leaning Sessions Begin |
9:00 PM | Virtual Learning Sessions End |
Friday, January 12, 2024
4:00 PM | Registration Open for Early Arrivals |
7:00 PM | Initiation Ceremony |
Saturday, January 18, 2024
8:00 – 10:00 AM | Registration Opens |
9:00 – 10:00 | Breakfast |
10:00 – 11:00 | Opening Remarks from Alpha Chi Rho and the Alpha Chi Rho Educational Foundation |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Education Block 1 |
12:30 – 1:30 PM | Lunch |
1:45 – 2:45 | Education Block 2 |
2:45 – 3:30 | Education Block 3 |
3:30 – 4:15 | Networking Session (Snack and Beverage Break) |
4:15 – 5:30 | Closing Session, Pictures and Amici |
6:00 | Graduate Brother Gathering at The Pub (RSVP by January 5) |
Q: What is the purpose of the Winter Conclave?
A: The Winter Conclave provides leadership and fraternal management training to leaders or emerging leaders. The event is usually hosted by or near one of our Chapters. Professional speakers, local University officials and alumni are utilized as speakers during the weekend program.
Q: What Topics will the Officer Tracks cover?
A: This year’s Winter Conclave is focusing on “Ensuring Continued Success”. In this constantly changing society, how we communicate and follow-through with people is paramount to ensuring success.
Q: What is provided by the National Fraternity / What Do we Need to Pay?
A: As part of your Chapter assessment, the National Fraternity provides a hotel room for Friday night and food on Saturday. If there is inclement weather, a hotel room will be provided for Saturday night. All the delegates need to provide is transportation to and from Gettysburg.
Q: What is the attire?
A: The dress code is business casual. If you are attending the Initiation, the dress code is business formal.
Q: When should our delegates arrive?
A: Delegates should arrive Friday night no later than 11 PM EST. If the Chapter is attending the Initiation, please arrive no later than 6 PM EST. If the Chapter will have to arrive after 11 PM EST, please contact the National Office ASAP.
Q: When will the Winter Conclave end?
A: The Winter Conclave will end no later than 5:30 PM EST on Saturday, January 18.
Q: How do I register for the Graduate Brother Gathering on January 18, 2024?
A: Contact the National Office via email ( or by phone (732-869-1895) to confirm your reservation.